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- Project
- Brandsma in een notendop
- Alle liederen
- Projectkoor 2024
- 1 okt 2023: Studentenkerk
- 4 okt 2023: Nijmegen
- 11 april 2024: Campus
- Persinfo
- Reserveren
- Nieuwsbrief
Alle liederen:
- Anno Sjoerd
- Brief
- Brillenglazen
- Denk aan mij
- Faith
- Feliciter
- Geheim
- Immerhin
- Karmel
- Nabij
- Nada te turbe
- Rustig
- Vandaag
- Veel
- Veelstemmig
- Vereerd
- Vertel!
- Wanhoop
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1. Vandaag

One of the the songs of the choir work Brandsma, een verhaal voor vandaag

The prologue, to be sung by all choirs, with audience, in four languages.

Text & translation: Hendrik Jan Bosman, 2023

Music: Willibrord Huisman, 2023

Current version: 2023-06-29 18u45 (4 languages)

↓ Music

↓ Text

↓ Recordings

↓ Description

→ Next: 2. Anno Sjoerd 


  • Score in PDF (4 A4)
  • Score for audience in PDF (1 A4), JPG
    (Audience sings the bold text, soprano melody)
  • Score for large choir in PDF (2 A4)
    (Large choir sings bold text, SATB)
  • Score in MP3
  • Score in Noteflight: play, read, sing along
    - Practice mix: for altos; MP3
    - Practice mix: for tenorsMP3 



Brandsma! Titus! Anno Sjoerd! Jij!

Hoe verslaan we jouw verhaal?
Wat voor tekst, in welke taal?
Welke boodschap of moraal
doet recht aan wie je was en bent?

Hymne of wetenschap? Beeldend of kaal?
Bij alle meningen hier in de zaal,
alle veelstemmigheid, al het gedwaal,
blijf jij ons onbekend:

Wat is waar, wat apocrief?
Und wer war es der dich rief
in dyn ûngelok, in your grief?
Dat is voor ons een open vraag.

Was je een heilige? Wiesto nayf?
Warst du ein Opfer, of koos je actief?
Hoe je gehandeld hebt, and your belief,
   Was sagt uns das ...
   Wat seit dat ús ...
   What does that mean ...
   Wat zegt dat ons...


Brandsma! Titus! Anno Sjoerd! You!

How do we report your story?
What kind of text, in which language?
What message or moral
does justice to who you were and are?

Hymn or science? Visually expressive or bare?
With all the opinions here in this hall,
all the polyphony, all the wandering,
you remain unknown to us:

What is true, what apocryphal?
And who was it that called you
in your sorrow, in your grief?
That is an open question to us.

Were you a saint? Were you naive?
Were you a victim, or did you actively choose?
How you have acted, and your belief,
   what does that say to us…
   what does that say to us…
   what does that mean…
   what does that say to us...



Concert on Campus Radboud University, 11 April 2024.


Concert 4 October 2023, Titus Brandsma Memorial; text see above in this page.


Try-out 1 October 2023, Studentenkerk, subtitled; use button .


Campus Choir sings Vandaag, 8 May 2023, Aqua Viva.


Campus Choir studying, 13 March 2023 in the studentenkerk.





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