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18. Nada te turbe

A 16th Century poem, epilogue in the choir work Brandsma, een verhaal voor vandaag


Text: Theresia of Ávila, 16th Century

Music: Willibrord Huisman, 2023

Version: 2024-02-21 15u10

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← Previous: 17. Veelstemmig 


Nada te turbe


The poem

Nada te turbe,
nada te espante,
todo se pasa;
Dios no se muda.

La paciencia
todo lo alcanza;
Quien a Dios tiene,
nada le falta;

Solo Dios basta.

Literal translation

Let nothing disturb you,
nothing surprise you,
all things pass;
God does not change.

wins everything;
whoever holds onto God
lacks nothing;

God alone is enough.



Concert on Campus Radboud University, 11 April 2024.


Concert 4 October 2023, Titus Brandsma Memorial.
For words and translation, see above in this page or use button in the video itself.
(Unfortunately, sound and image are not correctly synchronized in this video)


Try-out 1 October 2023, Studentenkerk; text, see above in this page.




© Willibrord Huisman 1990-2024
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